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think through中文是什么意思

用"think through"造句"think through"怎么读"think through" in a sentence


  • 彻底地全面考虑
  • 思考…直到得出结论
  • "think"中文翻译    vt. (thought ) 1.想,思索,构思;考虑。 ...
  • "through"中文翻译     The river flows throug ...
  • "think it through" 中文翻译 :    因为我终于明白
  • "think sth through" 中文翻译 :    思考...直到得出结论, 彻底地想一想
  • "think" 中文翻译 :    vt. (thought ) 1.想,思索,构思;考虑。 2.想出,想起。 3.认为,以为。 4.猜想,想像。 5.想要,打算。 6.使想。 7.感到。 I think I shall meet him today. 我想[认为]今天会遇见他。 I don't think it's five o'clock yet. 我看还不到五点。 I think him (to be) honest. 我认为他(是)老实(的)。 I'll think the matter over. 这事我得细细考虑考虑。 We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully. 凡事应该用脑筋好好想一想。 I can't think how she could figure out all the problems in an hour. 我想不出她怎么在一个小时之内算出所有的习题的。 Let's go and have a walk in the garden. You will think yourself silly. 咱们出去在花园里散散步吧,你用脑过度,再不出去散散步就要变傻了。 I thought to finish these letters before ten o'clock. 我原来打算十点钟以前把这些信都写好了。 I thought to find you in the library. 我原来猜想会在图书馆里找到你。 Who would have thought that they could win the game. 谁会想到他们竟能赢得那场球呢。 I think no harm in paying a visit to the Jones. 我感到拜访琼斯家没有害处。 vi. 1.想。 2.想像,思索,思考,考虑 (over; about; of ;on)。 3.想出,想起 (of; on)。 4.企图,想要,打算 (of)。 5.料想。 Only think ! 嗳,你想想看!think evil 想干坏事。 Please think again. 请再想想。 A university student should learn to think. 一个大学生应该学会思考。 I don't think so. 我认为不是那样。 I'm thinking about the plan we're going to lay out. 我在考虑我们要提出的计划。 T- over what I've said. 把我所讲的话细细地想想。 What do you think of the idea? 你认为这个想法怎么样? That's a useful book to people who think of literary life. 那是一本对想要从事文学生活的人有用的书。 I've thought deeply on our difficulties and the ways to get out of them. 我深思了我们的困难及其解决办法。 I don't think. 〔俚语〕我倒有点不相信〔添加在反话,讥刺话等后面〕(You are a pattern of tact, I don't think. 你的手腕了不起,我倒有点不相信)。 I think 是…吧〔插句或句尾〕。 I think not. 我以为不是那样。 think and think 想了又想,细想。 think aloud 自言自语,边想边说。 think away 想开了(如不信神了);想得忘了(如牙齿痛)。 think better of ...改变…的念头;对某人有较高的评价。 think fit to (do) 认为…适当(I think fit to refuse. 我以为拒绝的好)。 think harm to 想害…,企图加害。 think highly [no end, well] of 看重某人(某事),评价极高。 think little [nothing] of 看不起,轻视;满不在乎(think nothing of walking 30 miles a day 一天30英里也满不在乎)。 think much of 重视,看重;赞美,夸奖。 think of 1. 想起;想出(I cannot think of the right word)。 2. 想,企图 (He is thinking of...)。 3. 细想 (T- of what I told you.)。 think oneself into a dilemma 想得无所适从。 think oneself into a fever 想得头脑发热[兴奋不已]。 think out 想透;想出。 think out loud 〔美国〕=think aloud. think sense 通情达理地设想。 think shame 以为耻辱,羞愧。 think through=think out. think to oneself 暗暗地自言自语;在心中想[打算,思量]。 think twice 踌躇。 think up 〔美国〕想出,想起;〔口语〕发明。 think well [ill] of 认为好[坏]。 think with 和…意见相同。 n. 〔方、口〕思考;想法;念头。 Give it another think. 再想想吧。 Let's exchange thinks. 咱们交换交换想法。 have a hard think 苦思冥想。 adj. 思想(方面)的;供思考的。 a think teleplay 引人思索的电视剧。
  • "think for" 中文翻译 :    认为, 预料
  • "think of" 中文翻译 :    怀念; 就…思考,考虑…., 认为; 考虑, 关心, 想起, 记起, 想像, 有...的看法; 考虑,思索; 考虑/想到; 考虑;记得;认为; 考虑,认为; 认为,考虑; 认为,想到,想起; 认为;看法; 认为;想起; 思索;想起; 想出;思考; 想到,记得;想一想;考虑,关心; 想到/考虑; 想到;想起;记起;为…着想; 想起,记得,觉得怎样; 想起,想到,想一想; 想起,记得;想出,提出;考虑,关心; 想起,考虑;认为,看法; 想起,想到; 想起;考虑;关心; 想起;想出;企图;考虑; 象棋
  • "think of a as" 中文翻译 :    把看成; 把看作; 认为是
  • "think of as" 中文翻译 :    把看作; 看作
  • "think of for" 中文翻译 :    考虑...合适于..; 考虑合适否
  • "think of this" 中文翻译 :    想想这个
  • "think of…as" 中文翻译 :    把……看做是,以为……是; 把看作; 把…看作是 周杰伦青岛演唱会以为…是; 把…看作是,以为…是; 认为是; 以为…是
  • "think on" 中文翻译 :    考虑
  • "think with" 中文翻译 :    和...意见相同
  • "think-in" 中文翻译 :    〔口语〕座谈会,专题讨论会。
  • "think and think" 中文翻译 :    细想; 想了又想
  • "are-through" 中文翻译 :    弧贯
  • "as through" 中文翻译 :    好像
  • "be through" 中文翻译 :    结束, 友谊破裂; 经历; 完成,结束
  • "be through with" 中文翻译 :    结束了,断绝了; 完成, 弃绝
  • "through" 中文翻译 :     The river flows through the city. 这条河贯穿这个城。 May I through you ask the delegate of ... to ... 可否通过你代为请求某代表…。 The sun breaks through the clouds. 日光从云缝中穿漏出来。 through the winter 整个冬天,一冬。 through life 一生中,毕生。 through long years 长年间。 be famous through the world 闻名全世界。 go through an operation 做完手术。 go through college 修完大学课程。 pass through crisis [tribulation] 度过危机[历尽千辛万苦]。 through carelessness 由于疏忽。 to fulfill the task through your help 完成任务多亏你帮忙。 be on display through April 30 展览至四月三十日截止。 be through one's task 做完工作[课题]。 see through a brick wall [a millstone] 能透过一道砖墙看见;〔转义〕眼光敏锐(One can't see through a brick wall. 不可能的事情就是不可能)。 through all ages 永远。 through the cabin window (海军军官)靠人情升官。 through the hawse-pipe 水兵升成军官。 through thick and thin 遍历艰苦。 unity through struggle 以奋斗求团结。 副词 1. 穿过,通过,经历;从头到尾,完全,全部;到最后,到底,彻底;透;完毕。 2. 出来。 pierce a thing through 刺穿一件东西。 come through 〔美俚〕取得成功;取胜。 all the night through 通宵,彻夜。 read the book through 将书看完。 This train goes through to New York. 这一列车直达纽约。 Is he through 〔口语〕他(考试)及格了吗? I am through now. 〔口语〕我已经做好了。 The enemy is trying to break through. 敌人企图突围。 all through 一直,从来就。 be through with 〔口语〕做好(工作等);和…绝交;和…分手(I am through with that fellow. 我和那个家伙断绝关系了)。 through and through 完完全全;彻头彻尾(wet through and through 浑身湿透)。 adj. 1.直通的,直达的。 2.(道路)可以通行的。 3.穿过的,有洞的。 4.〔英国〕(电话)接通;〔美国〕通话完毕。 a through street 直通街道,干道。 through transport by land and water 水陆联运。 a through ticket 联运票,全程票。 a through train 直达车。 Jack's trousers are through at the knees. 杰克的裤子膝盖处破了洞了。 You are through. 你要的电话接通了。 He is almost through. 他的电话快打完了。
  • "through to" 中文翻译 :    直到
  • "think much and think hard" 中文翻译 :    多思苦索
  • "through and through" 中文翻译 :    从头到尾地; 从头至尾地; 反复; 完全, 彻底; 完全地,充分地
  • "through-=through" 中文翻译 :    同词异形


  • He had thought through his miserable life .
  • Chess playing requires the ability to think through a problem .
  • Marriage is not a game and it needs to be thought through
  • Phronesis and techne analogy - modern thinking through aristotle
  • Wring is to express your thought through language
  • A : wring is to express your thought through language
  • A strategic thinking through the development of tourism in guangzhou
  • Viewing strategic thinking through a new perspective of modern theory of system
  • Yeah ? you like thinking through
  • Analyzing the designing thought through the development of chaozhou ceramic industry
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
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